MAKER chip conveyor

For chipping machine tools


MAKER chip conveyors are equipped with a steel disc mat and steel frame. MAKER chip conveyors are designed to be used with chipping machine tools in the machining industry, where cutting fluid can also be used. The conveyor can be equipped with cutting fluid basins including their pumps and engorgements. 


MAKER product family 


The MAKER product family consists of the models MAKER-10, MAKER-20 and MAKER-30 with a minimum twofold capacity increase between the models. The conveyor model is selected according to the available space and amount of chip stream needed. 


MAKER-10 A versatile chip conveyor for chip handling. The minimum dimensions for the loader installation are 130 mm in height and 235 mm in width. 

MAKER-20 A medium-weight chip conveyor for chip handling. The minimum dimensions for the installation of the loader part are 210 mm in height and 340 mm in width.

MAKER-30 A heavy-duty chip conveyor for chip handling. The minimum dimensions for the loader installation are 395 mm in height and 440 mm in width. 
The other dimensions of the loader are fully customisable without additional cost. In this way, the best possible solution can be found for all situations and even for the more rare machines for chip removal. 


We deliver conveyors ranging from small CNC machine tools to chip removal lines extending across the plant. All of this is available to you as a turnkey installation if you wish. 


Ask our salespersons for more information on chip conveyors. 

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ALUMI unit load conveyor

Simple but demanding removal of materials 


In the ALUMI conveyor, a steel disc is integrated with the aluminium frame of the conveyor. The outcome is a truly light and versatile unit load conveyor. Metal apron conveyors are a result of long-lasting development.

The ALUMI conveyor is easy to use, and it is applicable for even the most demanding removal of materials. These conveyors function in circumstances where a belt manufactured from another material cannot function and, therefore, they are an excellent choice for the transport of warm or sharp materials, for example. 


The dimensions of the ALUMI unit load conveyor are fully customisable without additional cost. This way, we can guarantee that the best possible solution is found for any problem. 


  • Laser machines 
  • Perforating machines 
  • Unit load transport 
  • Glass cutters and cullet 


SPEMI unit load conveyor

For many materials and purposes


SPEMI conveyors are equipped with a steel disc mat and steel frame. SPEMI chip conveyors have been designed for various waste points where the material to be transported is quite varied. An example of this kind are fine metal chips with some pieces of flat bar iron. SPEMI conveyors are meant for dry use only. 


SPEMI product family 

The SPEMI product family consists of models SPEMI-10, SPEMI-20 and SPEMI-30 with a minimum twofold material handling capacity increase between the models. The conveyor model is often selected according to the available space, the material stream needed or how challenging the material is to handle. 


SPEMI-10 A versatile conveyor for the handling of materials that are difficult to define.

SPEMI-20 A medium-weight conveyor for the handling of materials that are difficult to define.

SPEMI-30 A heavy-duty conveyor for the handling materials that are difficult to define.


The dimensions of each conveyor are customisable without additional cost. In this way, the best possible solution can be found for all needs, the more rare targets included. 


Ask our salespersons for more information on unit load conveyors.